
Ambi Pur Car is a market leader among car air fresheners. Ambi Pur Car products are known for their excellent freshness and long-lasting control of fragrance intensity.

Unlike most car products that merely mask unpleasant odors, Ambi Pur Car completely eliminates them. It is a small, discreet air freshener that can be easily attached to the car’s ventilation grille.

Thanks to the new, unique Odourclear technology, Ambi Pur removes even the most persistent, unpleasant odors – such as those from food, pets, cigarette smoke, or organic garbage – and refreshes the car interior. It leaves a gentle, fresh aroma that persists continuously for up to 30 days (Ambi Pur Car Jaguar) or up to 70 days (Ambi Pur Car device + refill).

Ambi Pur Car fragrances come in the form of clips or devices with replaceable scent refills, mounted on the air vent. The fragrance intensity can be adjusted manually by setting the preferred value on the clip or device.

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