and development

Not only do we produce for the best global brands, using their licensed recipes, but we also constantly create and improve our own recipes. Our goal is to create advanced, safe and reliable products that set trends in the cosmetics and car chemicals industry.

We also cooperate closely with scientific communities and universities, which include: education and scientific and research cooperation, including through joint development of projects and scientific undertakings.

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PPH „PARYS” sp z.o.o.
in cooperation with the WSEI Academy

The Parys company begins cooperation with the Lublin WSEI in the scope of studies conducted there, in particular in the fields of Logistics and Mechatronics at the Faculty of Transport and Computer Science.

The Lublin WSEI Academy is the largest private university in eastern Poland, known for its practical preparation for the profession and extensive cooperation with enterprises. Enjoying significant prestige, being a leader in the preparation of graduates and receiving the highest awards for education for the needs of the labor market.

This cooperation will include education and scientific, research and teaching cooperation, including through joint development of scientific, research and development projects and undertakings, as well as cooperation in obtaining funds for this research.

At the headquarters of our company, WSEI students and doctoral students will be able to conduct research in the field of our activities while preparing their diploma, doctoral or final theses. Our employees will also be able to conduct a number of classes at the university, including: didactic classes, open lectures and workshops.

The cooperation also includes a number of other joint ventures, such as co-organization of study visits, organization of seminars and conferences, joint development of postgraduate study programs, courses and training, and many, many others.

Of course, as part of the cooperation, activities will also be undertaken to forward job offers to the Career and Student Affairs Office and organize internships.

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