
NOXy® is a complementary solution from the Azoty Group, offering AdBlue® of the highest quality.

The most crucial property of AdBlue® is the reduction of harmful nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gases of diesel engine vehicles. An efficient system fueled by high-quality AdBlue® can reduce the emission of harmful NOx by as much as 80-95%!

NOXy® – AdBlue® is a high-purity aqueous solution of urea (32.5%). It is non-flammable, non-explosive, and harmless to health. NOXy® meets the AUS 32 ISO 22241 standards. Its exceptional quality is confirmed by tests conducted in the only laboratory accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation for NOXy® testing.

NOXy® is used in modern heavy-duty and passenger vehicles, as well as buses equipped with SCR technology. The reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions also applies to the “off-road diesel” group, including agricultural tractors, inland and maritime ships, and railway locomotives.

NOXy® from the distribution of PPH “PARYS” is packaged in a modern factory while maintaining 100% product purity – in accordance with ISO 22241 standards. The product is offered in a wide range of capacities, including convenient and user-friendly bottles, ideal for passenger vehicles with SCR systems.

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