
Prestone® offers high-quality products for the protection and operation of the cooling system. Currently, the company is a global leader in the production of radiator fluids and cooling system protection products.

Introduced in 1927, the world’s first ethylene glycol-based radiator fluid proved to be a breakthrough and immediately gained immense popularity. In the early 1930s, the company introduced the first inhibitors to the market, providing protection against corrosion and sediments in cooling systems.

Over the decades, as the automotive market developed and cooling system requirements increased, Prestone® continuously improved its technology. In 2004, it introduced the first revolutionary, universal radiator fluid based on the “All makes, all models” formula. This fluid was compatible with other radiator fluids and designed for all brands and models of cars, setting a new standard in radiator fluid production worldwide.

Currently, Prestone® also manufactures windshield washer fluids (both summer and winter). Their quality is certified by the DEKRA certificate and quality mark in categories such as Cleaning Efficiency and Material Compatibility.

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