and quality control

Our laboratory is located on the premises of the production facility. It plays a key role at many stages of production. Its main tasks include: creating new recipes, testing them, as well as quality control and monitoring of the proper preparation of raw materials.

It is thanks to multi-stage control, which begins at the raw material stage, that we are able to provide automotive fluids of high quality and repeatability.

In terms of testing and ensuring the highest quality, our laboratory also cooperates with the best and independent external laboratories and uses the services of the most famous expert organizations, such as DEKRA.

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The PPH ‘Parys’ sp. z o.o laboratory possesses the knowledge and resources necessary for producing all kinds of fluids for the automotive industry.

We manufacture fluids based on both our own formulations and semi-finished products from the world’s most renowned laboratories (e.g., for ‘private brand’ production).

We can tailor formulations to the customer’s specific requirements (e.g., hydrophobic or ceramic windshield washer fluids, hydrophobic windshield washer fluids, coolants meeting specific standards, etc.), with varying concentrations, colors, or unique fragrances


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All ingredients used in production are sourced from the best suppliers. Quality control begins with the verification of parameters for supplied raw materials before they enter the mixers.

Subsequently, at each stage of production, the laboratory checks both the quality and repeatability of each batch of products. Test samples of the finished product undergo a series of tests to ensure that the produced fluid is precisely the same as that created for the reference sample. This process occurs for every produced batch. If the fluid passes the test, it is assigned a batch number, which is printed on the bottles with hourly production accuracy.

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with the Finest

Laboratory product control is our priority. Therefore, in terms of testing and ensuring the highest quality of our products, we collaborate with renowned and independent external laboratories, such as the Laboratory of the Lublin University of Technology.

For certified fluids, we utilize the services and extensive knowledge of the most well-known expert organizations, including DEKRA laboratories. This ensures that the end customer can be confident that the fluid they are pouring into their vehicle has been tested and approved in the most professional manner.

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