
3 awards for PPH “PARYS” sp. z o. o.

The end of 2023 resulted in 3 unique awards for PPH “PARYS” sp. z o.o. Each of them concerns a different field and is proof that the development of our company takes place on many levels and can serve as an example. The awards concerned the development of the local economy, taking care of green areas around the company and worksafe:

The Medal of Merit of the City of Lublin is a unique distinction emphasizing the contribution of the “PARYS” company to the development of the Lublin economy and entrepreneurship, which we received in November from the Mayor of Lublin, Krzysztof Żuk. The medal is a kind of „thank you” to our company for its contribution to the development of the region, producing high-quality products and implementing innovative technological solutions

The Residents’ Laurel of Victory in the Treasures of Culture and Space plebiscite – “Business and Greenery” was awarded to the “PARYS” company thanks to the votes of the citizens of the Lublin region, who appreciated the care of our company towards its surroundings, in particular green areas and their arrangement. This plebiscite, organized periodically by the NN Theater and the Lublin Business Society, was carried out in Dziennik Wschodni and Lublin Gazeta Wyborcza journals. We are even more pleased that the residents voted for this distinction – it emphasizes that proper maintenance of greenery and aesthetics in workplaces (both office and production) is not indifferent to the inhabitants of our region. We would like to thank them for the votes!

The “Employer – organizer of safe work” competition was organized by the National Labor Inspectorate. The aim of this competition was to promote employers who organize work in a way that ensures a high level of safety and health protection of employees and compliance with labor law provisions, including those regarding the legality of employment. The competition builds a positive image of an employer that cares about systematic improvement of occupational health and safety. Employers were assessed in three categories depending on the number of employees. Our company won first place in category II for companies with 50 to 249 employees. The bet evaluation criteria were extensive and rigorous, and the competition itself was divided into two stages. The evaluation of the registered workplaces was carried out by the competition jury composed of, among others: the Deputy Chief Labor Inspector, Directors and Deputy Directors of the departments of Supervision and Control, Legal, Legality, Employment, etc., as well as representatives of trade unions and employers.

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