Product information
New product from SONAX offer – a cleaning agent with a special composition for removing stubborn black streaks made by water and water-based stains.
New product from SONAX offer - a cleaning agent with a special composition for removing stubborn black streaks made by water and water-based stains.
Product information, Product information
New SONAX Xtreme Si-Carbon protection!
Two more products join the SONAX Xtreme product family based on Si-Carbon technology
Product information
Plak Autorad G12+ -37⁰C – new logistics data for 1L package
Optimization of the use of available space on the pallet for Coolant -37°C AUTORAD G12+ 1L
Product information
New label for SONAX Winter Windshield Washer Fluid -20°C 4L
New label for SONAX Winter Windshield Washer Fluid -20°C 4L
Product information
Brake Cleaner – new product from Xeramic
New from Xeramic - Brake cleaner in an aerosol with a capacity of 600ml. The new preparation from Xeramic is a highly active cleaning agent with intensive action for industry and workshops.
3 awards for PPH “PARYS” sp. z o. o.
The end of 2023 resulted in 3 awards for PPH "PARYS" sp. z o.o. The awards concerned the development of the local economy, taking care of green areas around the company and safe work.
Product information
PRESTONE coolant -37°C COR-GUARD® – the new formula
New - Ready-to-use PRESTONE antifreeze with COR-GUARD™ corrosion inhibitors without 2-EHA acid
Product added to the list.
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